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STL Tutorial and Reference Guide, The: C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library by Atul Musser, David R., Saini

STL Tutorial and Reference Guide, The: C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library book
STL Tutorial and Reference Guide, The: C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library Atul Musser, David R., Saini ebook
Format: pdf
Page: 0
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
ϼ<The C++ Standard Library>>摘个内容简介:本书以最新的C++标准库为基础,不仅介绍了C++标准库及其所有组件,而且还讲述了如何在实际编程中高效地使用它们,就当stl而言,感觉对于STL入门不适合,而且应该也没有STL源码 Advanced C++ Programming Styles And Idioms (James O. Stroustrup C++ language reference; The Design and Evolution of C++ – Stroustrup; The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference by Nicolai M. The guide shows how to use the Intel Media SDK by walking step-by-step through use case examples from simple to .. Coplien) (这本书介绍一些C++编程的习惯用法) 4。 STL Tutorial and Reference Guide (David R. Native graphics and sound using JNI Graphics, OpenGL ES, and OpenSL ES. Best Get Rid Of Fat For Children Guide . STL Tutorial and Reference – Musser. The book focuses in particular on the Standard Template Library (STL), examining containers, iterators, function objects, and STL algorithms. Access the Intel Media SDK quick-start tutorial to help get the most traction in the shortest amount of time. This book arguably can get a motivated beginning programmer into C++ more quickly than other available tutorials. An introduction to Bionic API, native networking. An accompanying Web site Windows PowerShell Cookbook: The Complete Guide to Scripting Microsoft's Command Shell · O'Reilly, 2013. Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide is an aid for people responsible for the operation, maintenance, and performance of Oracle Database. That's the approach that's offered by Accelerated C++, a text that delves into more advanced C++ features like templates and Standard Template Library (STL) collection classes early on. We've added support for the new STL headers: